Meet Sully

Sully, Professional Pickup Horse

This book was inspired by a real pickup horse named Sully, who lives in Great Falls, Montana with his owner’s professional pickup man Gary Rempel and Gary’s wife Jody. Sully’s personality matches the horse described in the book. He came to Gary as a last resort for training due to his desire to buck off his riders. Because Gary did not give up on him, Sully became a great pickup horse. Since the start of Sully’s career in 2011, he has worked at some of the biggest rodeos across North America and carried rodeo celebrities like Miss Rodeo America. Do not let his talent and friendly nature catch you off guard though. He can still buck a rider off at any moment he chooses! Sully is thrilled to have a book written about him and cannot wait to meet his fans at some book signings across North America. After this, the rest of the herd may put pressure on Ashley to write books about them as well. 

Follow Sully’s adventures at: Rempel Performance Horses

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